2008-My mom, Ruthann, with our oldest, Luke
I still remember that day as if it were yesterday. I met my parents at their home after my mom had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I know many people have had the exact same experience as I, finding out a loved one has this dreaded disease. This was my first time experiencing this with someone that I was so close to, and that I loved so much. I remember giving her a hug and telling her that everything was going to be fine, but inside I was scared to death at the thought of losing my mom. Her cancer was fairly advanced and had already spread to her bones and lungs at this point, so the prognosis was bleak. My mom started treatment almost immediately, and surprisingly responded well and was fighting, like a true warrior. I spend every day helping people get stronger, but my mom showed me what true strength was all about. A little over a year after she had been diagnosed with cancer, she lost her fight and passed away. My mom was a great woman, and I'm thankful for the forty years I got to spend with her. I miss her, but I truly hate it for her grandchildren. I hate all of the things she’s not here for. It upsets me that her eleven grandchildren don't get to grow up with their Grandmom. It makes me sad that three of them never even got the chance to meet her, one of them being my baby girl, Emily Ruth Kealoha.
This is where I find my purpose. My purpose is to help a mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc, take control of their health and lessen their chance of getting this disease or any other disease. I know we won't live forever and no one is guaranteed tomorrow, but why not do your best to live a quality life rather than a life that is full of sickness, pain, and immobility? So I ask you, have you found your purpose? If we live a life helping others we will get so much more out of life. That's something I love about Training for Warriors. One of our philosophies is that we get just as excited about others as we do about ourselves. If we lived this way in every area of our life, imagine how different our world would be. Now comes my charge to action, there are two things I want you to do. The first, if you aren't living a healthy lifestyle, starting today make some changes toward better health. Trust me on this, your loved ones will thank you for the extra years they get with you. The second, find someone who needs encouragement and get excited about them and encourage them. Step out of your comfort zone, and be the world changer that you were born to be.
I’ll close with this, an invitation to our Dojo for a charity event we are hosting this month. We are having a charity workout on October 31st to raise money for the local Farve 4 Hope charity that, among many other things, helps support those battling breast cancer. This is going to be a fun event and a good way to help others, and better yourself in the process. So, spread the word and plan on joining us the morning of Halloween at 9:30 AM. I hope to see you in my Dojo soon!